I believe this the first essay type entry on my blog. It's about the life long question many have asked themselves "Why are people more attracted to me when I am taken?". I THINK I have a general understanding as into why this happens and would like to share.
After years of observing the behaviors of others and my own. I noticed small details we overlook when we are single and when we are taken.
In men the keys are behavior and maintainance. In general guys behavior are different when they are single from when they're with someone. Single men often seem mildly desperate or too into chicks, while the ones that are taken are more laid back and will not look at women like a tiger sees steak. And from what I've noticed women are more into a little challenge and are not very fond of what comes easy when it comes to relationships.
Maintainance... Guys in general, real men, don't really give a fuck about how they look. If we could look like cavemen and still attract women, we would. So while we are single we only care when it's necessary, if we are going out, when a friend tells us we deseperately need it, ect (ended constructive thinking)... They say in general women like for their man to be presentable and that a healthy relationship involves seeing your partner at least 3 to 4 times a week. Therefore, a guy that is taken keeps himself looking as fresh as possible, hence more women noticing his appereance.
Add to the 2 factors above the fact that women love prohibit fruit and can't stand seeing another woman happy; and kazaaam you are a man wanted by the ladies.
Now about women. Women always have someone trying to be with them one way or another, no matter how ugly or fat they are, there will always be someone willing to be with them. So I say women only say men are more attracted to them when they have someone, due to them not being into the guys that were into them when they were single, and when they do find the one that's good for them, they notice all the other options they put to the side.