You always felt close no matter how far you really are.
I saw beams of sun lights between the night sky as our voices kept getting us closer to another,
I felt your breath as you whispered in my ear, but then the thought of love revealed the distance between us,
The lights between the clouds vanished and you didn't care,
There were no more whispers, Only yelling and sad voices in my head,
Screaming at me all whilst having a big smile.
I felt a sudden comfort, as I have been here before,
And judging by your beautiful smile as you screamed some more, so have you.
No matter how loud the yelling got, it was like sweet birds chirping in the morning.
I tried to get you to fly away, but apparently you was unable to.
No injuries and wings in perfect conditions as if they have never been used before.
Grabbed you from the ground and threw you in the air, but you fell straight down,
Didn't even try to flap your wings,
As if you were afraid of heights.
Frustrated whilst smirking at the irony I replicated the pleasing sound of anger,
Suddenly your wings started flapping, so I gave you more.
My heart smiled as you flew and landed on my shoulders,
We smiled as we left this far behind with just a scar on our souls.
A new journey begun as you lifted me by the shoulders and we blazed through the sky,
To other places, to destroy others...